Men’s Group

Epiphany’s Men’s Group meets one Saturday per month.  The meeting starts at 8:00am with a continental breakfast and is usually followed by a community speaker.  The Men’s Group hosts our ever popular annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper.  They also play an important role in many other parish events. New members are always welcome and open meetings are often held where members of the congregation and community are invited to hear the speaker.  A buffet lunch caps off the end of the year.

​Craft Group
The Crafter Group meets weekly on Tuesday afternoons and creates hundreds of handmade items for our annual church bazaars: the Hollyberry Fair and Epiphany Extravaganza. New hands are always welcome! 

Classic Book Club
Although hosted at Epiphany, the Classic Book Club has expanded to include many non-church members. Their meetings are held monthly on Sunday afternoons.   Each month a member volunteers to be the facilitator for the next meeting.  The facilitator presents the book and leads the discussion.  They discuss a wide range of authors and time periods - books they have studied have included such classics as Canterbury TalesThe Scarlet Letter and Electra.  All are welcome at the meetings and reading the book is not a prerequisite for your first meeting – just come out and enjoy a book club.  They guarantee you’ll like it!


Led by our music director, our Epiphany choir leads the music at the 10:00am service each Sunday.  Weekly practices are on Thursday nights and music pieces are prepared for regular services as well as special services throughout the year. The annual Advent/Christmas Candlelight Carol service is a favourite for everyone.